Screw you, Nigella

I'm harboring some jealousy for the British Goddess divine. [It's rhetorical. Please, don't sue me for libel. I'm actually in love with you.]   The rain this week puddled up in our yard and my husband had his fifth knee surgery this week, so we're just as immobilized as the world around us. I also... Continue Reading →

Liquid Nostalgia

As discovered at the Aviary, booze and food go together. It accompanies flavors and opens up your palate. It leads to taste discovery and self-discovery, delving into your id and ego with ease. (That's a fancy way to say you cry a lot about your exes when you drink too much whiskey) I have had... Continue Reading →

Aviary, Chicago

Last New Year's Eve we somehow obtained seats at Aviary. For some reason, it doesn't get a rise out of people like Alinea. However, the idea of being able to purchase black truffle explosion à la carte was pretty exciting.   We walked in to a weirdly warm, candlelit environment. Imagine a medieval pub with foie... Continue Reading →

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